Ozonetherapy has been reported to be effective in humans, but there was still small numbers of reports in veterinary medicine. Rectal insufflations (RI) of oxygen-ozone was effective as well as major ozone autohemotherapy (AHT), the procedure was easy to perform, painless, inexpensive and had no side effects. Subcutaneous (SC) injection of oxygen-ozone were also easy to perform for veterinarians. Ozonetherapy were effective and may be used in conjunction with all conventional and natural treatments like humans. Ozonetherapies were effective for dogs ans cats. Animal patients receiving ozonetherapy could maintain high quality of life
Keyword:Dogs and cats, Major ozone autohemotherapy (AHT), Rectal insufflation of
oxygen-ozone (RI), subcutaneous injection of oxygen-ozone (SC)