Ozone Dialysis
Ozone Dialysis
Ozone dialysis is a medical procedure that involves the introduction of ozone (a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms) into the bloodstream during a dialysis session. Dialysis is a treatment used for individuals with impaired kidney function to help filter and remove waste products from the blood. Ozone dialysis incorporates ozone into the blood, which is thought to have potential antimicrobial and oxygenating effects. However, ozone therapy, including ozone dialysis, is a topic of ongoing research and debate, as its safety and effectiveness are not universally accepted within the medical community.
ozone therapies
Ozone therapy in obstetrics and gynecology: achievements and prospects
The paper presents a systems analysis of the data available in the current literature on the use of ozone therapy in obstetric and gynecological practice and its benefits. It considers data on the possibilities of using medical ozone in gynecology, obstetrics, and other fields of medicine, as well as the
Clinical utility of ozone therapy for musculoskeletal disorders
Abstract Oxygen-ozone (O3) therapy serves as an alternative medical technique that increases the oxygen in the body along with the introduction of O3. O3 therapy has finally reached a level where the biological mechanisms of action have been understood, showing that they are in the domain of physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology.
Effectiveness of Ozone Injection Therapy in Temporomandibular Disorders
Abstract Temporomandibular disorder is a multifactorial disease that causes pain in the jaw and face area with nondental origin, which frequently limits talking, chewing, and other jaw activities. Various factors such as malocclusion, trauma, stress, parafunctional habits (clenching and bruxing), osteoarthritis, and synovitis play a role in its occurrence, although
Modulator effect of ozone therapy over immune system activity
ABSTRACT The employment of biological medicine has allowed the application of beneficial and systemic therapies where the body is treated as a whole. The ozone therapy is a modality of the biological medicine, it is a natural therapeutical procedure that has represented an extremely safe medical therapy, free from side
Ozone in Medicine: The Low-Dose Ozone Concept—Guidelines and Treatment Strategies
Abstract The low-dose ozone concept with its moderate oxidative stress represents an ideal hormesis strategy. Dose-response and concentration-effect relationships in the context with specific applications allow one to fix concentration ranges with therapeutical benefit. Based on the well-known reaction mechanisms of ozone, its biochemical and pharmacological effects, international guidelines have
Application of ozone therapy in surgical practice
Abstract Summarizing the review of literary sources, one can conclude that, despite a significant number of scientific papers devoted to the problem of pyoinflammatory complications of diabetes, there remain issues that require further study and solution. Taking into account the above facts, it becomes obvious that it is necessary to