EWOT, or Exercise With Oxygen Therapy, is a form of therapy that involves performing physical exercises while breathing in higher levels of oxygen than what is normally found in the air. This therapy aims to increase oxygen levels in the body, which proponents believe can have various health benefits. During an EWOT session, a person typically uses a specialized mask or nasal cannula to inhale oxygen from a source while engaging in exercises such as cycling, walking, or strength training. The theory behind EWOT is that increased oxygen intake can promote better oxygenation of tissues and cells, potentially improving energy levels, endurance, and overall well-being.

Benefits of EWOT

There’s really no limit to the potential benefits of EWOT, but they are all possible because of three major factors: EWOT’s ability to improve oxygen circulation, restore blood flow and increase ATP production. Here’s a breakdown of these three major benefits of exercise with oxygen therapy and how they trickle down to influence overall health and wellness:

  • Increases Oxygen Circulation in the Body
  • Restores Blood Flow
  • Increases the Production of ATP

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qualify for a Drozonian status by signing up for a package of 3 or more oxidative or oxygenative therapies