Emerging roles of ozone in skin diseases


Ozone was discovered in the mid-nineteenth century and is proven to have many therapeutic effects, including its common application as a disinfectant to kill microorganisms in various conditions. Ozone therapies have been utilized for various purposes ever since it was discovered. Extensive studies over a century have verified its therapeutic effects, consistency, and safety with minimal and preventable side effects in medical care. Emerging evidence revealed that ozone also plays important roles in the management and prevention of various skin disorders including infectious skin diseases, skin related allergic diseases, erythema scaly diseases, wound healing and ulcer recovery. Herein, the author now summarizes the recent clinical applications of ozone therapy in dermatology and provide commentary on what we have learned in our practice. Our focuses are the efficacy and safety of ozone therapies as well as the application prospects of ozone on various skin disorders. In addition, the author discusses the potential mechanisms involved in ozone therapy and the efforts we should make for.

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