
Ozone Bagging Therapy

We have 6 different variations for ozone bagging therapy available (adult leg bag, adult foot bag, adult arm bag, adult hand bag, junior leg bag and junior arm bag). The Silicone Flexible Cuff made from Medical Silicone (Ozone Resistant Material). Our bags are quick in action and can be used many times as you need. Sleeves can be shared between users since Ozone is Disinfecting gas.Ozone Bagging may be very effective therapy for treating gangrene, diabetic foot ulcers, bed sores, burns, tick (or any other insects) bites, any wounds that are infected or heal slowly, or those that refuse to heal, nail fungus, any signs inflammations and pain conditions including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Ozone kills all bacteria, viruses, fungus, infected open wounds, increase blood flow to the wounds, and stimulates the healing process. It has been documented that many a body part has been spared amputation through the application of ozone in this method .

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qualify for a Drozonian status by signing up for a package of 3 or more oxidative or oxygenative therapies