The significance of ozone therapy has been increasingly realised in recent times particularly in equine medicine. The beneficial effects of ozone therapy are basically engendered by the mild oxidative stress it creates upon interacting with the extra-cellular and intracellular components. However therapeutic benefits of treatment could be obtained only when it is used within the therapeutic window. Higher doses may be counterproductive and lower doses ineffective. It is now well proved that it up regulates the antioxidant system of the patient and may provide relief from many chronic degenerative diseases upon prolonged use. Ozone therapy has shown encouraging results in the treatment of wide spectrum of diseases and disorders in equines including bacterial and viral infections. Obvious benefits of ozone therapy have been reported in Equine infectious anemia, chlamydial abortions, lymphomas and equine ehrlichiosis. This article provides an insight into the mechanism of action involved in ozone therapy and reviews various conditions which could be treated with the use of ozone therapy in equines.