A critical evaluation of the use of ozone and its derivatives in dentistry


Objective: The therapeutic application of ozone and its derivatives in the dental field has been used for many purposes. However, there has yet to be a consistent evaluation of the outcomes, due to the lack of standardization of the treatment operating procedures.

Materials and methods: The keywords “ozone”, “ozonated”, “ozonation” “ozonized”, “ozonization”, “dentistry”, “periodontology”, “oral surgery”, “oxygen-ozone therapy” were used to perform a literature review using PubMed, Cochrane, Google Scholar, Zotero databases with the temporal restriction for manuscripts published between 2010 and 2020. Clinical trials and case reports of good, neutral, as well as negative results related to ozone treatment specifications were evaluated.

Discussion: A better understanding of the mechanisms of action of this bio-oxidative therapy could open new horizons related to the personalization of treatments and the quality of dental care. The critical condition to achieve these goals is an improved knowledge of the qualitative/quantitative characteristics of ozone and its derivatives.

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